ready to start


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 17, 2012
Hi! I live in Des Moines, IA and have been wanting chickens for a couple of years now. We finally have a bit of money to put into it and will probably have everything set up within a month! So I am here, learning all I need to know about starting our own little flock of chickens.

I have 5 kids (age 4-11) and 3 boxer dogs. If there are any other dog owners who have tips on training a guard-type dog to behave around chickens, I'd love to hear from you! For the most part, the dogs and chickens will be kept separate. But, since we all share the same property, I'd like them to get to know each other.

I look forward to getting to know all of you and learning all I can here and especially look forward to having my own backyard chickens!
HI and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

Be very careful with your dogs around the chickens, if they have not been raised around them. My neighbor's boxer got out last week and killed all his wife's hens - broke down the run fence to get them too.
from Highland Co. Ohio!!! Dogs can be great around chickens if they are taught to be. I have a lab mix and a pit bull who get along really well with the chickens. The other day my chickens started to wonder out of the yard. We sent the dogs out and they herded the chickens back to the coop without even scaring them. Just make sure that you are careful and show the dogs the chickens when they are chicks and they don't move around so much. And don't leave the dogs with the chickens before they are used to each other. Something could snap in the dogs to kill. Good luck!

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