Really, this was for their own!


10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
It was so could out here that my crew had ice flakes on their feathers this morning! I had to pick each of them up and hug/snuggle them until they warmed up! They weren't too thrilled but they didn't really fight me. Once they figured out that snuggling was warm they stuffed their heads under my hair-around my neck and gave a couple low "I'm only staying here until I can feel my feet again" quacks!

I'm sure they appreciated getting warm but I'm pretty sure I enjoyed it a little more than them!
Sweet cuddles--like a toddler coming into bed in the morning and sticking his icy feet against my belly. I know he's just doing it to get warm, but it still feels good.
I have three brooder groups inside my house at the moment- two of which are old enough to have a good swim every night. When I let the water out of the bath I lay down a towel for them- and when dry I carry them each back to the brooder- first checking each one over- and then hold them up to my shoulder so they can snuggle in close to my neck for a moment... Once all back together- I will pick up random ones for a longer snuggle- but they do quickly learn that it can be nice to be held like that. I love bath time for many reasons- but the snuggles afterwards are always a good time.
my Ming Mei duck gives hugs, but only to me. lol. She wraps her head/neck around my shoulder and neck... I love it when they act all sweet.
When they were little I used to be able to snuggle them all the time. Once they graduated to their outside pen they turned into "teenagers" - too cool to hug! Now they don't even like to be petted

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