Jul 26, 2017
Have you got a cheeky cockerel or a rebellious rooster?

What is the naughtiest thing they have ever done?
Was it biting your ankles? Or was it ignoring you for days on end?

Post it here:
  • It can be a photo
  • It can be a piece of art
  • It can be a video
  • It can be a paragraph (or a page)
  • Or it can be a poster
You can enter up to four entries.

I will shortlist the results based on most likes, most creative and most naughtiest and funniest!
I will send you are personal message if you have made it into the shortlist on the 28/11/17!

The most Rebellious Rooster (of the short list) will be decided in a poll starting on the 28/11/17.

Get those entries in!!!
I have a rooster named Napoleon. Here he is:
For all his rebelliousness, he is a fabulous rooster. He attacks hawks and warns the flock of overhead 'issues' (i.e airplanes, butterflies)
One day, I made the bad choice to go in the chicken pen in flip-flops. Napoleon looked at me and I though, "Oh great. He's about to come after me," and so I turned around and ran out of the pen as quietly as I could. He chased me to the gate, which was open, I though, "He'll chase me to the gate and then stop" but oh no. He didn't. He kept after me! I ran all the way across my yard. When I looked back to see if he was still following, all I saw was his head poke up out of the grass and cluck at me before continuing the chase. I ran around some trees and he got confused at where I was. Luckily, all turned out well and he was put promptly back in the pen as soon as I got my boots on. I never went in the chicken pen in flip-flops again!
Talk about a rebel.. this guy was so cuddly when he was a chick so I kept him and his brother instead of rehoming them once.I found out they were roos. Now since.he has matured he is very agressive with the girls. He has to be pinned now because he won't leave the ladies alone. He also has started to bite me when it's time to be put up for the night because he doesn't want to go to bed till the last minute. However when I go to hold him and once I get him up he is a sweet guy again and still loves to be held. What's a girl to do?
I have two very naughty little Japanese cockerels, who if they don't clean up their act soon will end up as soup! Soup, I tell you!

First of all, just look at them. Those giant eyes and bright red wattles just spell trouble. They think cuteness will get them whatever they want and have conned many an innocent out of their breakfast, lunch and dinner.
img_6164_edited.jpg IMG_1570.JPG

They eat everything in sight, no morsel is left ungobbled or treat ever shared with any of their neglected pullets to satisfy the appetite of these half pound devils.

Plus they think they own the place, even me! I've become their personal perch and pack mule, hoisting them around the run, or the garden, or even the house!
IMG_1641.JPG IMG_1689.JPG IMG_1694.JPG

And don't even get me started on the foot thing they do, as if one was bad enough they have to gang up too. Sometimes they have me stuck like this for hours!
But I dare not give them away, I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy.
I have two very naughty little Japanese cockerels, who if they don't clean up their act soon will end up as soup! Soup, I tell you!

First of all, just look at them. Those giant eyes and bright red wattles just spell trouble. They think cuteness will get them whatever they want and have conned many an innocent out of their breakfast, lunch and dinner.
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They eat everything in sight, no morsel is left ungobbled or treat ever shared with any of their neglected pullets to satisfy the appetite of these half pound devils.
View attachment 1132108

Plus they think they own the place, even me! I've become their personal perch and pack mule, hoisting them around the run, or the garden, or even the house!
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And don't even get me started on the foot thing they do, as if one was bad enough they have to gang up too. Sometimes they have me stuck like this for hours!
View attachment 1132106
But I dare not give them away, I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy.
This is Negan, I was happy to have hatched a little rooster yep you heard me happy! Negan is destructive, eats all my plants, makes dust bathing holes all over the yard and pulls my laundry off the line. I'm still happy! Negan tidbits constantly bringing me bug shells, acorns, leaves I've tripped over him at least a dozen times. I'm still happy! For a while Negan liked to bite my toes and try to get cozy with my feet. I had to resort to carrying him like an frustrated little football. ..still. ..happy! He's setting down a bit now but I can't escape him always following clucking making nests wherever I stop...sigh, still happy. I just keep telling myself he's handsome and he's going to be an awesome rooster "one day".

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