recently hatched chick seems sick


Feb 12, 2024

Got 16 fresh popcorns out of the incubator. All healthy and happy except 1.

This one seems to be sleeping permanently, won't open eyes, he keeps moving by pushing forward dragging the body (not standing), zombie style. Was fine and dry when removed from the incubator last night and put into the heated area.

Do you know what this is? Anything I can do? Is it contagious for others?
2 more appear to have the same problem, were fine and now can barely open their eyes. The remaining 13 seem to be ok. Anyone had this before?
I don’t hatch chicks anymore due to possibility of hatching issues, but I would be offering electrolytes and vitamin water or NutriDrench, and dipping beaks. Hopefully others may help.
I don’t hatch chicks anymore due to possibility of hatching issues, but I would be offering electrolytes and vitamin water or NutriDrench, and dipping beaks. Hopefully others may help.

Thank you for your answer.
Where did the eggs come from, your own flock or elsewhere? Was it day 21 hatch?

How old are they now? How long since hatch?

Can you post pics or video? Of chick behavior and brooder set up.
There were eggs from 2 different people, all together in the same incubator. Eggs were bought, not mine.

No, not 21, 22, they started hatching late. Last time they were coming too soon (100% healthy hatch rate though), so I dropped the temperature by 0.3 Celsius, compared to previous times, and only 1 was born on time at day 21, the rest was late.

They are now 1 day old. It started soon after being moved into the heated area. I moved them from the incubator in the evening (making sure they were dry) they were moving fine in the morning found the problem. 2 more soon followed.

16 out 23 hatched (much lower than usual), I took one out at 1 week, so 16/22 if counted from there.

Not home now to make a picture, but its the same as dozens of times before. I have them in a closed space with no air currents, with one of this for heating:

I have them in a plastic container (3 feet long by 1 and a few inches wide), put a non-fibrous carpet in the bottom (cant eat fibers) 2 water sources next to them and food spread everywhere. Each one was individually shown the water (dipped and food). Left a low power light bulb during the night.

My main suspicion is low temperature (therefore the delay) or infection. 13 out of 16 seem to be awake and active.
I don’t hatch chicks anymore due to possibility of hatching issues, but I would be offering electrolytes and vitamin water or NutriDrench, and dipping beaks. Hopefully others may help.
On the nutridrench- does anyone mix an keep longer than the recommended 24 hrs?. I cut the ratio down to a pint- but still seems like I'll be wasting a bunch if I follow that guideline

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