Recommended lace breeds?


6 Years
May 11, 2018
Rockingham, NC
I fell in love with the lace wyandotte breed but after looking into it.. should I get straight wyandotte chicks, go for lace Cochins, lace Brahmas or lace Orpingtons....
please send help haha... currently I won't be getting a roo but if we move / down the road I will so that is something to consider too.
If you can I would go with 1-2 of each breed/color you like and see which breeds you end up liking best. I know for myself I ended up loving the breeds I didn't think I would care for and the ones that I thought for sure would be my favorites ended up being my least.
If you can I would go with 1-2 of each breed/color you like and see which breeds you end up liking best. I know for myself I ended up loving the breeds I didn't think I would care for and the ones that I thought for sure would be my favorites ended up being my least.
Definitely true.
Out of all the breeds though, Wyandottes would definitely be the easiest to acquire.
Are you looking for really nice birds or just hatchery quality?
This is all good advice. Over all I've grown up and either had or helped care for various breeds of chickens. I know I favor the bigger breeds, just less flighty. The most pain in the bum I had with chickens was a friend having some special blue chicken breed.. small and skinny little flighty things.

Starting out I won't have a lot of space, and I can only have hens due to where I live. Sadly .. XD otherwise I'd for sure just buy 2-3 of each type I was looking at cause.. some I'm sure will surprise me.

admittingly.. my fave chicks I had the pleasure of raising and working with was barred rock/rhode island red mixes they were some of the best temperament hens and roosters, smart and friendly. (they resulted from my friend's island red rooster breeding with her barred rock hens, but he was a good rooster as well so none of his offspring were bad tempered. )
I see that you're in Rockingham. :frow from Carthage.

We here in the Steamy Southeast have to consider breeds' ability to tolerate our climate. Unfortunately, there is no laced breed noted for heat tolerance (which is why I'm crossing some SLWs with my Australorps). :(

I do have SLWs, who have managed the heat so far, though only my son's pet SL Cochin struggles more than the Wyandotte from Welp that I had the last couple years.

My current SLWs were only youngsters last summer but seemed to handle it better. I got them from Ideal, my theory being that since Ideal is in Texas their breeding flocks would automatically be selected to do well in the heat. One of them has a single comb rather than a rose comb and I expect that to help.
I see that you're in Rockingham. :frow from Carthage.

We here in the Steamy Southeast have to consider breeds' ability to tolerate our climate. Unfortunately, there is no laced breed noted for heat tolerance (which is why I'm crossing some SLWs with my Australorps). :(

I do have SLWs, who have managed the heat so far, though only my son's pet SL Cochin struggles more than the Wyandotte from Welp that I had the last couple years.

My current SLWs were only youngsters last summer but seemed to handle it better. I got them from Ideal, my theory being that since Ideal is in Texas their breeding flocks would automatically be selected to do well in the heat. One of them has a single comb rather than a rose comb and I expect that to help.
Well my husband is now on a kick that we should build a coop (I was just going to get a little one from tractor supply cause we were planning 3 to start with.)

So at this rate I'll likely wait to get wyandotte or any chicks haha.. least till we sell our house and move. Good thing we were checking out moving to VA and other places up north xD (I'm from MD originally so no complaints here)

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