Reconsidering my chicken dreams....

Ducks are really messy and can depending on the breed they can be loud (Cayugas are extremely quiet imo though) Especially in the summer from all the humidity and heat your duck coop will smell TERRIBLE unless you clean it out every month.
You are right. Ducks poo is running and stinks.
Comparing chckens to bees.I'm new to chickens this year.
what I take away from your post is that you've ended up with more chickens than you really wanted, it's a little overwhelming, and your set up isn't ideal. i find myself being overwhelmed sometimes with various situations like accumulating too much wood so theres no room to actually work in my workshop, or garden being overgrown with weeds. Sometimes there is so much to do, I get stuck and just sit there trying to decide what to do first.
Another set of eyes is often helpful to see things or ways of doing things that you might be missing, and would simplify
Then again,It might be time to downsize some.
i've had beehives for sixteen years. i've had as many as fifteen in four separate beeyards. I built a shed just to hold equipment. it's a lot of work and it's gotten harder to keep bees alive over the years with more pests and diseases coming in. i decided to downsize. i used to go to all the seminars and also give talks to groups and schools, sell at farmers markets, and local events
. I finally decided to downsize, and only have three hives.
Our interests change and we have to adjust. Decidde what you make you happy and be best for the birds
We all probably get frustrated with our flock or individual chickens from time to time. I find it’s difficult to have a garden with them around and I love my garden. They do dig up parts of the yard as well. They still need care if you decide to go away. If you’re not a full fledged farm, it’s like having any pet... you’re adding a responsibility to your plate. No harm in realizing it’s more than you want to deal with. I teeter on whether I should get more or not for that same reason.
Ducks are really messy and can depending on the breed they can be loud (Cayugas are extremely quiet imo though) Especially in the summer from all the humidity and heat your duck coop will smell TERRIBLE unless you clean it out every month.
I agree. While I love keeping ducks, I don’t have any at this time. They are much messier and require a lot more. For example, do you think it’s fair to keep ducks without a body of water for them to swim and dive in? That becomes a big undertaking. Even a child’s pool with a drain in the bottom is difficult to maintain well with messy ducks. So for me, unless I had a real pond for them, it seems unfair.
Thanks for the input. That's what I've been thinking about. Downsizing. But my chickens are my pets and I'm worried I might regret that once it's too late......
My experience…now going on 9 years…predators have removed a few, chicken ticks took out half a flock (25), heat takes a few every summer(time to buy again) and winter is no problem they quit laying then mostly anyway, then I get to experience a crazy broody beast..let her hatch 90% roosters from that one, got a brooder hatching..again 90% roosters…do I learn? Yep…gotta get more my chicken math will try to maintain 20…keeps this old woman busy and contented and yep are my pets…now….lost both dogs last year and would kind of be lost without our girls….and….one Roo…family always knows where I am….I am that crazy chicken at Our combined house of 7...add 6 dogs (not mine belong to grandkiddies).chickens are way easier 😁 good luck..
I also believe its ok to be frustrated and vent..afterall we are human.. after fighting mites, a tree falling on my coop, and now i have an egg eater..i felt like you.. i also have ducks and with winter also rethinking things..ive always had animals as.long as i can remember😂😂I guess im saying we all have those days. My tipping point is when they no longer bring me joy..animals of any kind are work, sometimes heartache and ALWAYS cost money, but if that pales in comparison to the joy of gathering eggs or watching them fight over a worm, or watching my ducklings swim for the first time then for myself its worth it..
What I thought:
I thought I'd go to TSC and get 3 or maybe 4 chicks to have as a tiny backyard flock. Pets only. No roosters.
This was almost 3 years ago...and now I realize that chickens aren't as "easy" as people make them sound. (Newbies, please don't not get chickens because of what I just said. Keep reading...)

What I ended up with:

Okay so here we go.....don't be surprised if you get confused.

Started out with 6 chicks. The night I got them 1 got super sick. I was a greenie and didn't know about this forum, brought chick back to TSC and exchanged it for a new one. Back to 6. About 1.5 years later, got 4 new chicks to start a flock for a chicken who was kicked out of my current flock, and was pining away from loneliness. When the chicks were about 2 weeks old, 1 of my full grown chickens died. Unknown death. 3 days later a chick died. Now I have 8 chickens. Almost 2 years later I get 5 bantam chicks from TSC. Now I have 13 chickens.

Why I started this thread:
Idrk to be honest.... I guess life really got busy and I don't feel like I have the time to take proper care of them anymore...and they were naughty today which made me a little frustrated. Feed costs have gone up...and winter will be here (I don't have the best setup considering winter) I guess I want advice on what to do:

1. Should I sell my chickens?
2. Should I just cut back on numbers?
3. Should I completely drop chicken keeping and do ducks or something?
4. How could I sell what I call "pets"?


What do you guys recommend? Feel free to ask questions.
I really enjoy my chickens but first had ducks and didn’t like them. As my husband always says that’s why they make chocolate and vanilla
I also believe its ok to be frustrated and vent..afterall we are human.. after fighting mites, a tree falling on my coop, and now i have an egg eater..i felt like you.. i also have ducks and with winter also rethinking things..ive always had animals as.long as i can remember😂😂I guess im saying we all have those days. My tipping point is when they no longer bring me joy..animals of any kind are work, sometimes heartache and ALWAYS cost money, but if that pales in comparison to the joy of gathering eggs or watching them fight over a worm, or watching my ducklings swim for the first time then for myself its worth it..
I certainly understand the issues that you are dealing with. In spite of the problems you are having, do the chickens bring you any joy? If so, (and I don't know all of their ages) you may want to keep them for as long as they live (since they have relatively short life spans), as I have never been able to sell any of my pet chickens. I was always concerned that they might fall into bad hands. Otherwise, perhaps you could give your flock to someone that comes highly recommended by people from animal humane organizations/shelters (there are some that do place farm animals). I actually got some of my chickens through a local animal shelter and have loved them! As much as you can, avoid giving or selling them to someone who may butcher them (after all, they are your pets!). Inquire around about people as much as you can to get some insight into their character. If you opt to give your chickens away, check out local resources first. If nothing turns out, there are national organizations such as Farm Sanctuary (they have a website) that may be able to offer you some suggestions or options. Hope these ideas are helpful.
What I thought:
I thought I'd go to TSC and get 3 or maybe 4 chicks to have as a tiny backyard flock. Pets only. No roosters.
This was almost 3 years ago...and now I realize that chickens aren't as "easy" as people make them sound. (Newbies, please don't not get chickens because of what I just said. Keep reading...)

What I ended up with:

Okay so here we go.....don't be surprised if you get confused.

Started out with 6 chicks. The night I got them 1 got super sick. I was a greenie and didn't know about this forum, brought chick back to TSC and exchanged it for a new one. Back to 6. About 1.5 years later, got 4 new chicks to start a flock for a chicken who was kicked out of my current flock, and was pining away from loneliness. When the chicks were about 2 weeks old, 1 of my full grown chickens died. Unknown death. 3 days later a chick died. Now I have 8 chickens. Almost 2 years later I get 5 bantam chicks from TSC. Now I have 13 chickens.

Why I started this thread:
Idrk to be honest.... I guess life really got busy and I don't feel like I have the time to take proper care of them anymore...and they were naughty today which made me a little frustrated. Feed costs have gone up...and winter will be here (I don't have the best setup considering winter) I guess I want advice on what to do:

1. Should I sell my chickens?
2. Should I just cut back on numbers?
3. Should I completely drop chicken keeping and do ducks or something?
4. How could I sell what I call "pets"?


What do you guys recommend? Feel free to ask questions.
Well -- I expect many of us know your pain and frustration.

I will say this -- you'll not be happy switching to ducks -- they're REALLY messy, and if you get hens, they lay...where-ever-they-drop (my experience anyway).

In some ways I think you've answered your own question.... time...costs....level of desires....

Maybe you want to keep a few as pets that happen to offer breakfast if you want it. Unlike a dog or a cat, at least these girls offer something edible in return.

Speaking for me -- it is a labor of love. At one point I had nearly 20...not a lot really, but quite a few nonetheless... time went on, predators took their toll, I ALWAYS have to be back before dark, vacation? Yah, right. Even with someone who's willing to come n get em up and put em up at the end of the day, I never felt comfortable with someone else doing it.

Really, only I know their idiosyncrasies and know what to expect, and they know what to expect of me. As I said -- a labor of love.

Some people get into them for fun, some for a different kind of pet, others to potentially make a few extra bucks.

I sense though, that you're needing a break at the very least. Maybe you know someone who's shown an interest themselves? Donate what you can to them.... Some things of course are easier to give away than others.... We all have different levels of "investments" into our ladies (and men).

Just as I was about to toss the towel in.... I had my bantums get broody and they on their own hatched out some new ones!

Alas, 1 hen, the rest roosters.... sigh.... So, I added another hen to the list and because honestly they were unexpected -- it kind of changed my mind about just giving up... I mean, someone upstairs clearly thought I needed to keep going at least a little longer.

I've since acquired (twist on dorothy) Drawrfy.... Who is a dwarf Peking. Oddest looking thing you'll ever see.... The previous own was just going to kill her... nope--- yah, a dwarf, but otherwise healthy so in with the lot of them she went... Seems to have been semi-accepted, certainly not pushed out. We'll see.

So -- back again --- Just when you think you're out, you're back in....

Take a break, n go from there.... be happy with whatever decision you come to. It will not be a bad one.

Never know, your interest could pique again, and you'll have had that experience behind you to help you out.

Me... even if I sold ALL their eggs, every day --- 'taint no money to be made.... unless I go all out maybe... So it ain't the money...
My big ducks don't waste any feed at all. I suspect that once I change the feed bowl for my bantam ducks, they won't waste either. I'm sorry to hear that about feed, especially with the prices going up.
I think you misunderstood the point I was making lol. I wasn’t looking for advise. I was pointing out that compared to the waste, mess and work of ducks, my 50+ chickens are a cakewalk. I do let all my animals with the exception of the rabbits out to freerange. Just my preference to not have them confined to one area all day and I have the room to do it. My ducks hit everyone’s water throughout the day, multiple times a day I am constantly emptying and refilling water. Even though they have a pond to swim and mess in they prefer up with the rest of the animals. I absolutely love my ducks , and that’s the reason I spend allot of my day cleaning water buckets ans troughs rather than butcher them.

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