RED SKIN broken feathers, mites and scaly leg!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 3, 2012
Ottawa, Ontario Canada
My Coop
My Coop
Due to this long cold winter, the flock didn't get their health and wellness checks as often as they should have... :/
I have 15, 9 are red sexlinks, and they are the ones affected by this weird red skin
It looks just awful!
Everyone has mites.. But just a few of the reds have the red skin.


Can anyone tell me what this could be from and what I should do?

I just dusted everyone with 5%, and dipped their legs in oil.
I wonder if it's sunburn. I'd probably smear it with Neosporin, but then I tend to put neosporin on everything.
I live in North Florida and my Rhode Island Reds flock of 9, the backs on 5 look exactly like this, what is causing this

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