Red skin, missing feathers


5 Years
Aug 15, 2018
Southeast PA (Bucks County)
Hi all! A couple of my girls are missing feathers in and around their bottoms and their skin is red. Also some missing features under the beak on the neck (we have a rooster so they are missing head feathers too). We had mites 2 weeks ago, which I treated with poultry dust and cleaned the coop 2 weeks in a row. I need to re-dust them for mites tonight. I don’t understand the red skin and missing bottom feathers. Now, one of my girls has what looks like a white substance on her bottom feathers. I need to check her tonight when it is dark, she is my skittish girl and won’t let me pick her up. I’ll try to get photos.

They get layer pellets, occasional treats such as brocolli, cabbage, cauliflower, blueberries, and cracked corn to get them back into the coop when I need to get them inside - and grit/oyster shell on the side free choice.

Appreciate your input.
Red skin and missing bottom feathers could be due to your rooster over mating or irritation due to the mites causing birds to scratch and pick themselves.
However, most likely it's urates in feces causing feather loss and scalding the skin. Put Nu-Stock on the red areas, it will heal it.
Red skin and missing bottom feathers could be due to your rooster over mating or irritation due to the mites causing birds to scratch and pick themselves.
However, most likely it's urates in feces causing feather loss and scalding the skin. Put Nu-Stock on the red areas, it will heal it.

Thanks for the reply. This looks like a cream, just rub it on the red areas? Can it be done at night?

One of my girls had redness on her chest, too, that would not be urate related. Could that be from the mites?

My goal this weekend is to clean their bottoms. Yay! 😂
Nu-Stock comes in a tube and it should be in the Equine section at a feed store. Shake the tube well. Wear disposable gloves when applying it. You can put it on your birds at night if you wish, or any time no problem. You can put it anywhere on a chicken, avoid the eyes. It heals really well and deters picking and pecking.

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