
Aug 29, 2017
Hi everyone I recently got two cute redsexlinks pet baby girls the names Dylan & Kurt (Cobain). They're very cute! I just wanted to see other people's sexlinks :) feel free to tell me about them I'd love to hear it :love tell me the names how old they are the personalities and pictures of them please :D I bet they're all cute :)
I have two red sexlinks too I used to have five but over the years their numbers shrank.
The top one is Sacagewa, the second one is Star Dust . all my red hens are named Indian names I used to have a Pocahontas but she died. Sacagewa is molting right now so that's why she looks rough. Out of the 14 breeds of chickens I've had they are by far the best layers beating leghorns in egg production, they are nice brown big eggs. Though they are a bit aggressive hens and strive for power in the pecking order.
View attachment 1133168 View attachment 1133167 I have two red sexlinks too I used to have five but over the years their numbers shrank.
The top one is Sacagewa, the second one is Star Dust . all my red hens are named Indian names I used to have a Pocahontas but she died. Sacagewa is molting right now so that's why she looks rough. Out of the 14 breeds of chickens I've had they are by far the best layers beating leghorns in egg production, they are nice brown big eggs. Though they are a bit aggressive hens and strive for power in the pecking order.
Oh wow they're so cute could cry! I didnt even know she was molting :love i hope my baby girl grow up to be that gorgeous :) I'm sorry about your other chickens :( I'm sure they were just as adorable :) Sacagewa and star dust are such cute names how come you name them Indian names? They're very unique . Oh wow that's great news for me then hopefully mine lay nice eggs :) i dont have any other breeds:( but so far they're sweethearts they get kinda scared of my dogs tho lol but I have read other people say that they can be kinda aggressive

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