Regular size eggs after laying break? and timing question

aka Rachel

10 Years
Sep 15, 2009
Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada
The reason I ask is because I got my first egg from my hen
But it was kinda tiny. A friend gave me a hen, rooster and three pullets. She said the hen was laying (she had alot of laying hens), but in the three weeks since she's come home, nada.

I was under the impression that just new layers gave small or funny shaped eggs till they got into the swing of things lol. Also she's layed 3 eggs in 3 days but the timing is funny, i'll explain.

Egg one (awwwwww) found on the floor of the coop, about 1 o'clock pm


Egg two was layed right in front of me the next day! She was outside in the run and she had the funniest look on her face, but didn't make a sound. When she wasn't moving away from her egg, I went to get some lettuce for them to lure her away. When I got back, I realised the egg was broken and very thin shelled. She layed that egg about 5 o'clock pm.

Egg three (awwwwww) found in the nest box on day three! But I found it at 9:30 am. It was still warm from her body.


So do you think this hen was laying before?
And how did I get two eggs so close together?
some hens are just naturals and get right into the swing of things

i wouldn't be surprised to hear that your hen lays 3 eggs and stops for 3 days .... each hen has its own rhythm

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