Reintroducing Duck to Flock

So... I think she's tentatively back in! She showed NO signs of any stumbling or gimpiness this morning, so we tried a slow introduction. There was some head butting and a little ganging up on her but we let it play out. Everyone had a little something to say, but they have all let her eat with them now and sit with them in the shade! I am still keeping a close eye on things, but this may be it!! I am still going to get a smaller run - for any future issues, but for now, I am over the moon happy(!!!!) - but still cautious.

Thank you, everyone, for such great advice!!! And Penelope (her name now) thanks you, too!!!
I think so. I will definitely keep an eye on her - and everyone else - to make sure she continues to look good. She is a strong duck - and I think one of the alpha females before. So, that may be part of what is going on, too. She's been knocked down a bit and everyone needs to adjust. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, again!!!

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