Reintroducing mother hen and new chicks back to flock


Feb 23, 2023
I separated my broody hen from the main flock and put her in an isolated pen with eggs she’s sitting on. After the chicks hatch, when would be best to put them back with the main flock?
I separated my broody hen from the main flock and put her in an isolated pen with eggs she’s sitting on. After the chicks hatch, when would be best to put them back with the main flock?
It depends on how the chickens are kept.
Are the chickens confined or do they range all day?
Are these eggs her eggs fertilized by her rooster?
Is she housed seperatley outside, like a broody coop and run?

If the chickens are free range then I would let the broody hen decide when to take her chicks back to the main coop. I always left this to the broody. Different mothers take different lengths of time to introduce their chicks to the rest of the group but virtually all do it at some point in my experience.
If the mother can leave the coop at will and be made secure at night she may stay there with her chicks for some time.
It depends on how the chickens are kept.
Are the chickens confined or do they range all day?
Are these eggs her eggs fertilized by her rooster?
Is she housed seperatley outside, like a broody coop and run?

If the chickens are free range then I would let the broody hen decide when to take her chicks back to the main coop. I always left this to the broody. Different mothers take different lengths of time to introduce their chicks to the rest of the group but virtually all do it at some point in my experience.
If the mother can leave the coop at will and be made secure at night she may stay there with her chicks for some time.
I have a coop inside a large fenced chicken yard for my main flock. The broody hen is in a chicken tractor just outside the chicken yard. Once the chicks hatch, I could move the chicken tractor into the fenced area and do what you are saying. The eggs are a mix of eggs from the entire flock. And yes it’s her rooster.

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