Religious- I guess i need some advice, or just prayers.


11 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Bailey, Mississippi.
Alright, so i know a lot of people are a little upset by the whole Christianity thing, and there are "Prayer forums" or "Christian forums" for these things but i have looked online and honestly.. Could not find any that i felt were "right" they all just had something about them that didn't feel correct i guess.. So if you know of any, feel free to pass them along.. But basically..

Im a young teen and a few years ago.. I was a christian, but my family stopped going to church and i was shy so if someone i didn't know well offered to take me i just kind of didn't go.. And tried to walk it along and after awhile failed miserably, fell out of faith (I still believe and all i just.. Don't read the bible, pray, i sin, stuff like that.. though i am changing it.). My parents divorced months later, and then soon after that mom was diagnosed with cancer (Which is gone though she's taking chemo treatments).

But basically i have really missed the stuff i experienced as a christian, everytime i see a church or hear christian music i just feel this huge pull towards it though i never went. I tried to pick it back up a few times but never could.. I guess i just wasn't serious enough, but now i have really been trying to pick it back up and fight as hard as i can, but i've been trying to find someone to talk to. And not being able to find a forum it's sort of hard to find someone without going to church (Which i will probably start doing now that my family is going again..)

Reason why i came here is because a lot of you are christians, and im sure probably know a good forum or so.. Sorry to make it so long. I could probably say more but that is about as much as i can think of at the moment.

So tell your mum you want to start going to church again. Really it's ok, faith comes in many forms, and it sounds like you have found yours.
Daniel...Pray, pray , pray. Do what you know is right. Your faith will grow as you do this and you will find what you are looking for. Hope you find some comfort in your struggles.
I'm sorry, I don't know any forums. Just pray that G-D will direct your steps to wherever He wants you. I'm so glad your feeling His hand pulling you back to Him. May He bless you and keep you.
The good Lord has plans for us all. He is a good father and he will let us make mistakes, but learn from them and get back to church. He is letting you know it is time to come home to the church, and leading you back there. Good luck on your journey, and I will say a prayer about it for you.
Saddina and FrenchHen are wise women.

Spirituality and religion are two different things. Don't get wrapped up in religion until your faith is strong.

Belief is thinking God exists. Faith is KNOWING he cares.

For now try just sitting back and seeing all the miracles around us.
Yes, there are plenty of bad things in life but there are so many
more good things. Your mom beating cancer is a miracle and think
about how much stronger she will be for it.

Don't worry too much about prayer either. That will come in time.
When something good happens, close you eyes and say "Thanks
God". When something bad happens close your eyes and say
"Thanks God, I don't know what this means but I know good will
come out of it."

Remember, keep your eyes, mind and heart open. The journey
from belief to faith is a long wonderful road.
I normally don't comment much on the religious threads, but I can identify with what you are saying, Daniel. For some reason, I was never happy with my family's choice of denomination. I kept feeling a pull toward a different one. One day, I got up the nerve to walk into a neighborhood church and ask if I could talk to someone about my feelings. It was so hard to do, but it changed my entire life.

I converted to the new "branch" of Christianity and it was where I felt I belonged. But, I had to get up the courage to walk into the church and ask to talk to a priest. It was very scary at first and I was nervous and had no idea what to expect.

Perhaps if you just pick up the phone and call, since you say you are a young teen and probably don't yet drive, and see if there is someone to talk to you over the phone.

I wish you the very best of luck and I admire your desire to follow your feelings. The priest told me that sometimes God will pick you up and pay special attention to you when you most need it. Maybe that's what is happening for you now?

This is great! You are asking questions of the upmost importance to you and probably to those around you. I'm fairly new and may soon learn the boundaries; however, Daniel you are most definitely being drawn but not to a church building or a forum. Churches and groups are essential for all people but especially for someone your age. The Spirit of Christianity is the one that seeks (draws) a relationship with you. You build a relationship with Him just like you would with anyone else, spending time in prayer, talking freely to others, reading related books and of course attending church. I find myself saddened by the need for PC here. My prayers are with you and the email link works.
A good friend told me.... don't just pray.. P>U>S>H


I give thanks in advance for the solutions.

Godspeed Daniel

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