There have been chicks burned by some heat plates. Skin burns at temps starting at 109F. If a baby chick makes direct contact with the 128F metal underside, it could get burned.

I brood with a heating pad and configure it similarly to a heat plate. The way chicks use it is to make direct contact with the heating pad, which is about three inches at the highest point in the first week. They warm this way because this is the way they warm under a hen. She doesn't hover over them, sending down radiant heat. They snuggle directly against her skin.

Chicks may try to make contact with the heat plate from this instinct to snuggle under a hen. In doing so against 128F metal, it's possible they could get burned.
What should I do??
You could try putting the heater on a dimmer extension cord and see if that will regulate the temp of the plate surface. Might call the company and ask if there is a regulator available.

You could DIY a 'plate'.
You'd get more plate for your buck.
10x10" plate won't hold more than maybe 4-6 chicks for 4 weeks...
.....depending on your climate(wherever that is).
The temperature is up to 135.3 degrees Fahrenheit!
Are you using a infrared temp gauge?

Have you tried these things?
You could try putting the heater on a dimmer extension cord and see if that will regulate the temp of the plate surface. Might call the company and ask if there is a regulator available.

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