Request for information about Peacocks


In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2018
We have recently moved to Grenada and acquired 1 peacock & peahen. We picked them up 2 days ago with 1 egg.
Yesterday there were 2 more eggs.
We have secured them in a shaded area
My questions are:-
How long do we need to keep them secured prior to letting them roam free? How would I know if the eggs are fertilized? If they're not, are they edible?
When is their mating season?
We have recently moved to Grenada and acquired 1 peacock & peahen. We picked them up 2 days ago with 1 egg.
Yesterday there were 2 more eggs.
We have secured them in a shaded area
My questions are:-
How long do we need to keep them secured prior to letting them roam free? How would I know if the eggs are fertilized? If they're not, are they edible?
When is their mating season?
:celebrate :welcome

Congratulations on your new peafowl! The only thing I know about them is they are beautiful, big and can fly well (a few years ago a neighbor had one that liked to fly up high to sit in our tree).

The link Pork Pie has given you will be helpful I'm sure.

Thanks for joining us!
Welcome Cool.gif

Congratulations on getting peacocks!

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