Rescued Duckling! Is this a Pekin/Muscovy cross?


11 Years
Aug 26, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
Two days after Easter we went to a local park with a big lake. There are always lots of ducks there, as well as Canadian geese and fish. This day was really cool and windy. The ducks were all bobbing in the water. My two year old ran over to some big tree roots, reached down and picked up a baby duck and said, "Look, here my baby duck!"

We looked all over the lake for more baby ducks. We couldn't find any! We tried to put the duck back but it followed us peeping. Clearly we had to take it home because it would freeze to death alone. We have a pair of pekin ducks that we raised from ducklings, so we already know how to care for them. The duckling looked like it had just hatched, not a single adult feather sprout except for a tiny bit of white at the tail, and really tiny.

Here it is where we found it:

Here are some more pictures of it from the past few weeks:

This was just the other day, about two weeks later. It still hasn't feathered out much, but it is growing larger.

As you can see (s)he's the most spoiled duck ever. Hand fed, snuggled, and taken for long walks by two excited little girls.

I'm curious what she will look like as she grows up. Is she a pekin muscovy cross? Just a muscovy? She looks just like my pekins as ducklings except with black spots and adorable black striped toes.

Our adult male pekin attacks the duckling any time he sees her. :( I'm not sure why. When the duckling grows bigger will they eventually be able to get along? If not I don't know what I'll do! My husband thinks we should just turn the duckling loose once it's fully feathered, or re-home it, but we are all attached to it now. (See the pictures, haha.) I'm sure it's way too tame to be let go in the wild now anyway, it's not afraid of our cats or anything.

It does the cutest whistle noise to call for me when I leave it alone to go to bed at night! It says, "peep peep peep WHISTLE!" I've never heard a duck whistle before. We're calling it Duck Face until it we can figure out if it's male or female.​
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Thanks Corinne! There are lots more pictures on my blog if you want to see more. The link is in my signature.

Country_girl you're right! I've never heard of that breed, but an image search popped up ducklings that look just like mine. Wow! Off to read up on them!
They look sorta like muscovies, but that's my opinion! You have two beautiful children by the way!!!! Enjoy them and your new duckies!!!!!!
Please Don't let it go or put it back where you found it. It will be eaten very quickly and it has imprinted on you and your daughters it sure looks like. It is adorable and you'll probably never know why it was there but thank goodness you found it. As for you male pekin, eventually It my be accepted by them but right now he sees it as a be careful or he could kill it. when your duckling feathers out start putting them together with something between them like temp. fencing so they can get use to it but not be able to hurt it. still though only with supervision. Maybe in time your drake will accept it especially if it's a girl. All the best and bless you for taking it in I shudder just thinking what could have happened to that sweet little duckling.
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Don't worry, I'm waaaay too soft hearted to ever actually let it go back in the wild.
Awww cute. It may be an Ancona duckling, but it could be a Muscovy if you have other Muscovies in the area. I wonder if someone dumped him there. I agree with Miss Lydia, don't put him with your drake for, perhaps, another two or three months and when you first up them together, put a barrier between them and only do it when you can supervise them.

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