*Rescued Pekin with Broken Leg*


13 Years
Jun 15, 2009
Today my mom, sister, two brothers, and I, went to the park to feed the ducks and check up on them. There is a mama pekin there that has been sitting on eggs for probably months now. Her nest is so close to the ramata(sp?) area that it I could reach into the reeds and into her nest and touch her and the eggs... So anyways, all the ducks seemed normal until I noticed one of the mallard drakes had a broken wing that was dragging
... then the mama pekin struggled to get out of the water to eat the scratch we were feeding them and instantly I noticed she was limping really badly and she had her wings out for balance. Another mallard hen had a broken wing that she was dragging around. A dog or something must have attacked them
!! So we decided we needed to get the mama pekin because she could hardly walk, let alone swim. With my sister's help I caught her and we walked her up to the car.
My mom called the duck rescue and no answer... We brought her home and set up an area for her with a pool, shade, and a fan. She limps really bad and I am assuming she has a broken leg. We drove back to collect her eggs. I candelled them, and, not surprisingly, they were all black, rotten, and STANK!!
I can get pictures of her and her setup soon. Not sure if we're going to keep her or not and how to fix her leg.. that much I am going to leave the duck rescue to help us with.... Now I am worried about the other ducks and my favorite runner there, "Snowy"!! I am so mad at irrisponsible people that let their dogs run off lead.. I was just saying that to my mom when we were driving to the park, and when we pulled up there was a dog running, around.. off lead!! One time when we went to feed the ducks, a couple had a golden off lead and she jumped into the water and swam after the ducks!! Luckily she listened to her owners when they called her back, before she hurt or killed any ducks. I am so frustrated!!

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