Respiratory Infection?


In the Brooder
May 2, 2022
Hi, we have four chickens.
They've had loss of appetite for about 4 days now, and their poop has been light green. This could be due to the bile from not really eating.
Today two of them are sneezing, so we suspect it could be a respiratory infection. One of the sneezing ones also had diarrhea and it was stuck on her feathers.

At this point all of them are most likely sick, so they'll have to be treated together.
The only thing is that there isn't any mucus around the face or eyes (yet).
However since they sound sick at this point, would it be good to give antibiotics? We have Enrotex on hand.

Do you have photos of the birds?

Where are they housed and how much ventilation do they have?
Any changes like adding new birds in the last 30 days, adding straw/bedding, closing up windows?

What do you feed including treats? Any feed get wet or mold?

Are their crops emptying overnight?

How old are they?

Have you ever dewormed them or treated for Coccidiosis?

How often are they sneezing?

Work on hydration, see that they are eating fresh feed, it can be offered wet.
See if you can entice them with a bit off scrambled egg as well.

A video of their actions may be helpful. Upload video to YouTube and provide a link.

Where are they housed and how much ventilation do they have?
Any changes like adding new birds in the last 30 days, adding straw/bedding, closing up windows?
They were housed outside in a wooden coop, but were brought inside into the front room of the house... which is when they started losing appetite about a week ago.
I told the primary caretaker that it was best for them to stay outside and they will adjust but it won't an option for this winter. I thought maybe the change in temperature and setting could be causing them to be upset, but it seems they are sick now so they'll have to continue to be inside. Edit: The light green, more watery poop started before they were moved inside. The weather did change rapidly in that time period, not sure if related bc it started snowing last week.

What do you feed including treats? Any feed get wet or mold?
Layer feed + oyster shell, human carbs like bread/rice, greens, protein crushed eggshells. No, the food is continously added throughout the day.

Are their crops emptying overnight?

How old are they?
They were born in April, so 8 months. Only one of them has laid two eggs so far.

Have you ever dewormed them or treated for Coccidiosis?
No to the worms, yes to the cocci, they took Amprolium back in the critical age stage, I think in June.

How often are they sneezing?
Two of them are sneezing, one quite often. Since I've posted they seem to have stopped sneezing as much. One of the four has more solid poop now.
The one that was sneezing the most also has had diarrhea incidents where the poop sticks to her feathers.

Work on hydration, see that they are eating fresh feed, it can be offered wet.
See if you can entice them with a bit off scrambled egg as well.
Thank you! We've decided to start the Enrotex in their water. They're eating better now. I'm mainly worried about the one that was sneezing, and has diarrhea. We actually don't know who laid the eggs, and I wonder if it was her and that may be another reason as to why she is sicker.

Do you have photos of the birds?
A video of their actions may be helpful. Upload video to YouTube and provide a link.

I'll see if I can take any pictures or videos, I wonder if maybe their eyes are swelling or there are any other symptoms but I personally can't tell. Thanks so much for the help.
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Where are you located in the world?

Moving them inside may have triggered some stress, hard to know.
Chickens often do very well outside, even with sudden temperature changes they can adjust with adequate housing and protection from wind and elements.
Hi, we have four chickens.
They've had loss of appetite for about 4 days now, and their poop has been light green. This could be due to the bile from not really eating.
Today two of them are sneezing, so we suspect it could be a respiratory infection. One of the sneezing ones also had diarrhea and it was stuck on her feathers.

At this point all of them are most likely sick, so they'll have to be treated together.
The only thing is that there isn't any mucus around the face or eyes (yet).
However since they sound sick at this point, would it be good to give antibiotics? We have Enrotex on hand.


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