Rhode Island Reds vs. Buff Orpingtons


Overrun with Drakes
12 Years
Jun 8, 2007
Kitsap County, WA
I don't know if anyone has asked this before, but if you had to choose one of these breeds, which would you go with for a dual purpose, part time free-ranging flock?

Let's try to have a civil discussion!
Goodness, why choose...get both!

I am a bit partial to the RIR's though and think they may be a bit better layers while the Orps would be better meat birds.

Urban Coyote
Thanks Urban Coyote! We are thinking about getting both, but I just wanted to hear what was better about each breed. You answered my question and affirmed that we should try both anyway.
Both were developed as a dual-purpose breed and should serve you well as a backyard flock. Personally I prefer the Reds but not for any objective reason, I just like them better.
I say orps, just because I've never met a RIR rooster I liked, and I love roos. Of course they were all hatchery RIR so maybe good breeder stock would have a better personality.

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