Ribh's D'Coopage

Kris, I have a cabinet and every time I candle I rotate position in the bator just to be safe.

I’m so going to be picking your brain all winter when we both aren’t crazy busy!

If you really want to be confused, hang out with a bunch of youngsters. They speak a totally different language than we do.

Try musicians!:lau

Or gamers, Andrew gets going on about his battle tech game with someone else who plays it and my eyes glaze right over!

As for general confusion and “just in time farming” man... have I ever found my people here! It’s no wonder we all get on so well :lol:
As for general confusion and “just in time farming” man... have I ever found my people here! It’s no wonder we all get on so well :lol:
:lauSo true. Chicken & cat mad people surviving on coffee. Sooo my world!:gig

Or gamers, Andrew gets going on about his battle tech game with someone else who plays it and my eyes glaze right over!
Ah yes. Now there's a totally incomprehensible world to outsiders!:lol: Eldest is amongst the elite & chosen. I have no idea...
Hi friends I made an adjustment to the coop's furnishings got a small piece of garden lattice - maybe 1m2 - and attached one side to the roost. I'm hoping the chooks will use it as a ladder instead of jumping up.

I'll give it a few months and if they're still not using it, I'll take it out again.


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