Ribh's D'Coopage

I have to disagree.

For example: Children are dying of pertussis because our vaccination rate is too low to protect them. These are senseless deaths because of misinformation.

It makes me so angry that I've come to believe that compulsory vaccinations may be the only way to stop needless deaths like these.
Every species needs deaths to maintain a balance.
How often do you worm your flock
Usually @ the change of seasons. Makes it easy to remember. We have lots of wild birds etc so it is precautionary as much as anything.

They came out with one a couple of years ago here in the States for HPV that they gave to all the girls.

I refused to give permission for my girls to receive this. Glad too. A lot of serious complications & side effects ~ even deaths. I'm not satisfied it's necessary. If they're that worried about cervical cancer in our girls then circumcise the boys. There are lower rates amongst the Jewish population, attributeal, so I'm told, to the high rate of circumcision. As for whooping cough, which I had as a baby, you have a waiting period till the child is old enough to be immunised. As with most things, there is always some risk. I don't care which way people choose so long as they do their homework & understand the pros & cons. We had things go wrong with immunisations so I'm not adamantly pro & am super cautious now with putting anything foreign in my body.
Suyin gives Lottie a hard time during the day but here they are snuggled up together for the night, Lottie resting her head on Suyin's chest, Soda standing watch over them. :)
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Suyin gives Lottie a hard time during the day but here they are snuggled up together for the night, Lottie resting her head on Suyin's chest, Soda standing watch over them. :)
View attachment 2061643
Just look at that beautiful barred rock. She looks stately.

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