Ribh's D'Coopage

I looked for these here in the states and so far I have not had any luck! They are so beautiful! 💞
They really are. :) I still would not have bought them . There are other breeds I like better but the man took an interest & that is to be encouraged. He really loves these girls!
Ceres is doing much better this morning. The swelling is going down & for the first time she's hopped down from her roost herself to help herself to food & water rather than waiting on me.

Having her in the bathroom I've been able to monitor her health so much more closely & this morning noticed thread worm in her caecal poop. 🤢 No wonder the poor girl was feeling under the weather. She's had a lot going on. So it's wormer in her water now. By the time she rejoins the flock she should be the healthiest bird there!
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Great catch on the worm. Clearing that up should help a lot. See what a good chickeneer you are!

I am concerned though. Did she not go to see the vet? The vet did not do a fecal float with everything that was going on? I'm confused. That would seem obvious to me.
Happy Coffee Klatch Wednesday Somewhere! When I get my Lavender mug I can join twice with a different cup! 💞
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Enjoy your coffee catch up! I’m off to the pool so Vi can practice her swimming before I go to work in the afternoon.
My nicest mug has platypus’ on it, not quite in theme with yours 😅
My poor German Girls [as the man calls them] have been pretty much ignored while I've been sorting out everything else that's been going on round here. And they are such good girls.

They handle confinement really well & have been pretty content in the small coop. Every night they take themselves to bed without drama. The older ones are roosting.
I will get a chance to sort out who's who shortly.

I have wormed them & would add them to the main flock if they weren't quite so flighty still. I will start them on a course for coccidia before adding them as I am starting to think that is responsible for all my recent loses. It's not that we've had so much rain but that everything has been damp, warm & muggy. It is impossible to keep everything as dry as I would like. It just steams like a compost heap. I will treat the new girls with the Baycox but add Amprolium to the older girls water & only add the new girls after that is all done.

I am hoping I have figured this out right & it's not something else.
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They are very pretty ladies! It's nice to see them. They are very sleek on the roost.
Great catch on the worm. Clearing that up should help a lot. See what a good chickeneer you are!

I am concerned though. Did she not go to see the vet? The vet did not do a fecal float with everything that was going on? I'm confused. That would seem obvious to me.
Nope. That's not standard procedure. With an avian vet, maybe. Also this is a visiting vet. Her main practice is on the mainland so it's more emergency. I'm lucky to have any sort of a vet so I take what I've got & am grateful!
American footballs?
I don't know what an American football looks like. A rugby one...

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