Ribh's D'Coopage

I so love that she can still let them range some. They look so happy roaming the high grass.
They really are happy being out - but it is still supervised time (if you call sleeping in the run 'supervising'!).
Until I finish dealing with the landscape drains it is hard to rig up the electric wire around the 'free range' area and it has been too hot (and I have been too tired) to finish the drain project.
But as I like sitting out there I am giving them a lot of free ranging. It is interesting to me to see what interests them. I had not previously realized they like little roots from weeds - I thought they only dug up the grass to find bugs but watching closely the tiny thin roots seem to be a delicacy.
Good evening everyone 😊😴

They are so adorable, I miss having a cat.

When there are no more dogs, I'll seriously think about. getting another one.
We introduced a cat (as a kitten) to our dog with success, but she was a mellow dog, a mix with a lot of Golden Retriever in her (going by her looks). Knowing that we wanted her to accept the kitten, she treated the her like a weird pup, letting her crawl around her and then nap under her chin between her paws. But she was a little fearful at first because she knew about cats!
We introduced a cat (as a kitten) to our dog with success, but she was a mellow dog, a mix with a lot of Golden Retriever in her (going by her looks). Knowing that we wanted her to accept the kitten, she treated the her like a weird pup, letting her crawl around her and then nap under her chin between her paws. But she was a little fearful at first because she knew about cats!
Many moons ago we (by which I mean my crazy-cat-lady-Mom) lost a cat - she just upped and left home. She was a stray we were trying to domesticate so it wasn't hugely surprising that she decided not to stay.
Then, one day some time later the mail man said he thought he had seen her a couple of blocks away. Sure enough, our cat had gotten herself pregnant, and delivered her kittens with someone's German Shepherd who had pups.
Both moms were in the same dog bed with all the kittens and puppies all mixed up together. The owners of the German Shepherd had no idea how it happened, they thought the cat came in through the doggy door and just made herself at home.
We never figured out of the cat and dog had made friends before they both gave birth or whether it was a sort of day care situation.
I was so pleased with Rosa last night. I was supervising the girls while they were having an explore outside of their main run and was being swarmed by blackflies. Rosa to the rescue! She helpfully came over and snapped up blackfly after blackfly! With each click of her beak, I silently thanked her.

Rosa earlier in the day inside the run.
We introduced a cat (as a kitten) to our dog with success, but she was a mellow dog, a mix with a lot of Golden Retriever in her (going by her looks). Knowing that we wanted her to accept the kitten, she treated the her like a weird pup, letting her crawl around her and then nap under her chin between her paws. But she was a little fearful at first because she knew about cats!
We had a cat & a dog always when I was a child. They grew up together & there were no issues but I've never owned a high prey dog & suspect that might be different.
I was so pleased with Rosa last night. I was supervising the girls while they were having an explore outside of their main run and was being swarmed by blackflies. Rosa to the rescue! She helpfully came over and snapped up blackfly after blackfly! With each click of her beak, I silently thanked her.View attachment 2773113
Rosa earlier in the day inside the run.
She is beautiful! I love the lighter edging to her feathers. So pretty.
I don't have any Fancy Girls,
It's actually been easier for me to get fancy breeds than anything else since the chicken madness Covid brought on. It's been really hard to get standard laying hens & I won't buy Hybrids. If I was only after eggs I'd be spitting all sorts of chips.

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