Ribh's D'Coopage

Here you go @MaryJanet
As you can see it's an Omlet coop. All four hens roost in this.
I'm not sure what I think about the Omlet coops in general. If this lot didn't get let out at 6.30am and did not have the rest of the garden to use I wouldn't consider one of these. Not because of the coop itself; everyone worries about coop size, but it's the size of the run or free range area that I beleive to be important. I wouldn't keep a brick with no legs in a run this size.
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My sisters garden isn't big and there are some areas the hens are fenced out of, mainly the patch that grows veg and a small patch you can just see behind the coop where my sister grows flowers that couldn't cope with chicken gardening.
That's Mo catching a few rays on the right. Chick is the white hen and "I didn't know anything went on above eye level" Mini who is as you can see a Silki.
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I have a different style Omlet, but the coop looks similar enough - but I bought an extended run, they come in 1 meter sections you can add on as you like, and they sell wheels to move it all if you want. They also sell a large human-size run that's also customizable (I also bought one), many people either stick this setup on to that or place the coop alone inside it.
A new favourite hang out.

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