Ribh's D'Coopage

One of the things I lost when I moved was an occasional preaching spot. Figured I was done with that but my new church is small & inclusive. You all know I am a little weird so when I was asked to do the communion I chose to speak on *the Song from the Cross* ~ because it is fascinating to me how western mindsets have so obscured what was actually happening. It went well & I have my 1st preaching spot this Sunday. I am going with how on earth did Mary Magdalen mistake Jesus for the gardener?! Just because I always wanted an answer to that one. 🤣
What's the chances of slipping a few short courses on chickens in between the God stuff?:love
I am so happy for you and the people who will hear you. Is this in person or virtual?
It's in person, Bob. Our churches aren't shut. It makes me laugh because I trained in theatre & this is where I end up!🤣 I believe they have a FB page & the video will go up there but as I no longer have FB I'm not sure.
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What's the chances of slipping a few short courses on chickens in between the God stuff?:love
Give me time, Shad. I need a different text like O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
"Truly I tell you," Jesus replied, "this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny Me three times."​
The lads tend to keep watch all night.
Kirby takes one side of the bed...

Marlow the other.
Watching over me is obviously very dull work in his opinion!:lol:

It's in person, Bob. Our churches aren't shut. It makes me laugh because I trained in theatre & this is where I end up!🤣 I believe they have a FB page & the video will go up there but as I no longer have FB I'm not sure.
So much better for the impact. I know you will do great!
One of the things I lost when I moved was an occasional preaching spot. Figured I was done with that but my new church is small & inclusive. You all know I am a little weird so when I was asked to do the communion I chose to speak on *the Song from the Cross* ~ because it is fascinating to me how western mindsets have so obscured what was actually happening. It went well & I have my 1st preaching spot this Sunday. I am going with how on earth did Mary Magdalen mistake Jesus for the gardener?! Just because I always wanted an answer to that one. 🤣
Forgive my ignorance here, but is that an actual song, and if so, could you point me to the lyrics? I did a web search and came up empty.

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