Ribh's D'Coopage

The produce store had BrahmaX chicks today. Too cute.🥰
The girl, seeing I was charmed, pointed out the largest, boldest chick but as I pointed out to her it was likely to be a young cockerel & I no wantee. 🤣 Sadly, she agreed. Besides I don't have heat ~ which is probably a good thing!
the news here is reporting awful flooding in eastern Oz; is it all OK where you guys are?
Our area doesn't flood - though sometimes we can get cut off. Brisbane has flooded. The river overflowed its banks. There are whole townships that have gone under, so, yes it's pretty bad in some places.
Glad to hear you're safe. Sorry to hear about Brisbane.
Thanks. The reality is Brisbane is a stupid city. It should never have been built where it is in the way it is...every time we have big rains parts of it flood.

I feel for the country towns seeing their flood levels reaching new peaks & the highways cut, gas, electricity & WiFi all down & out.
I need to prune my watch list.

There's a lot of threads on my watch list that don't get any posts or that I'm not very interested in (eg the joke thread is starting to lose my attention).
I follow six threads, and then I have my own, which I neglect badly. I can never keep up anyway, I am always so many pages behind. Especially on Bob’s, lol.

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