Ribh's D'Coopage

I mainly do tea - but this mug just asked for hot chocolate with the little spoon for the marshmallows. How could I not give it what it wanted?!
I might do it again today as it is a miserable day with wet slushy snow all day. A perfect excuse for hot chocolate!
You should definitely do it, I think I'll have to have a hot chocolate before bed myself now 🤣. My comfort either hot chocolate with cream/ marshmallows or tea with choccy biscuits 😋
They do not work if you copy and paste. That's why none of them worked at first. I type them in each time.
Is that an IT / format issue BYC could work on? I at least am getting glimpses because of the tags, and thanks so much! I can't keep up at all, and I'm sorry to miss other's posts and doings in others' tribes too, though I am getting glimpses here and there. :(
This morning's cuddle huddle.
they don't usually congregate here but it was definitely this morning's place of choice.​
Still more than a little wobbly but her behaviour is so sweet. I was sitting outside for a while watching the girls sort out their morning. Sif slowly made her way to the patio, came over to me & lent against my leg before settling beside me, just touching. Her trust now is amazing as the Vorwerks have tended to be incredibly skittish still. Happy to see all her toes are spread out [not curled] & her feet are down flat.​
Still more than a little wobbly but her behaviour is so sweet. I was sitting outside for a while watching the girls sort out their morning. Sif slowly made her way to the patio, came over to me & lent against my leg before settling beside me, just touching. Her trust now is amazing as the Vorwerks have tended to be incredibly skittish still. Happy to see all her toes are spread out [not curled] & her feet are down flat.​
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It is so good to see her recovery and you have been amazing caring for her. She sure has a will to live!
Is that an IT / format issue BYC could work on? I at least am getting glimpses because of the tags, and thanks so much! I can't keep up at all, and I'm sorry to miss other's posts and doings in others' tribes too, though I am getting glimpses here and there. :(
Join the gang. :hugsWe haven't come up with a workable solution yet but a lot of us are having the same issue.
Koffee Klatch Wednesday Wherever
I have never contributed before as I don’t have the mugs you all got and I don’t drink coffee. However, this Sunday was a hot chocolate kind of day and the rooster mug came to me courtesy of @BY Bob, so here we go.
The rooster’s comb is a little spoon that sits on the rim of the mug and is great for fishing out mini marshmallows!
Sorry, no chickens, I didn’t think the marshmallows would be good for them.
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That is a fantastic mug!!!! 😍 You didn't have to wait you know. MJ & ACM drink tea & not all of us have the same mugs. That was just a conceit we conceived because we're a little strange that way.😂

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