Ribh's D'Coopage

That is a fantastic mug!!!! šŸ˜ You didn't have to wait you know. MJ & ACM drink tea & not all of us have the same mugs. That was just a conceit we conceived because we're a little strange that way.šŸ˜‚
Oh I know.
Initially I waited because of superstition and then later because it was all so upsetting. The mug was a gift from Bob to thank me for finding and bringing Legertha and Sylvie.
So now I use it as a tribute to them.
Oh I know.
Initially I waited because of superstition and then later because it was all so upsetting. The mug was a gift from Bob to thank me for finding and bringing Legertha and Sylvie.
So now I use it as a tribute to them.
Yes, MJ's original mug reminded me of Lavender so when she passed I got the same mug in memory.
Good choice and lovely chickens :)
Ah yes, my tribe that throws all Shad's theories to the wind. šŸ¤£ It's not supposed to work but oddly enough it does. I rarely have disputes & never anything I would consider serious despite the discrepancies in size & temperament.
Ah yes, my tribe that throws all Shad's theories to the wind. šŸ¤£ It's not supposed to work but oddly enough it does. I rarely have disputes & never anything I would consider serious despite the discrepancies in size & temperament.
I think your tribe is so varied that their perception of 'other' is more forgiving than would normally be the case.
So in a flock of all white chickens the one black chicken would be seen as 'other'. In a flock that is 50% black; 50% white they will likely split into two groups, which is what Shad observes with the exbatts and the Legbars.
But with your tribe it is hard to define 'normal' and so they probably don't perceive any of them as 'other'.
Weā€™ve got some internet connection back, woohoo! Thereā€™s also a technician coming out tomorrow so hopefully it will be back to normal in 24 hours. In the meantime, Iā€™ve managed to upload my third portrait video, please enjoy. Iā€™ll also post it to @BY Bob ā€™s thread.

Beautiful. "Here. Open this and look for a bit, please, and tell me how you feel." Mournful, maybe melancholy is the better word? Very fitting, about those you leave behind! :hugs

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