Ribh's D'Coopage

Defending his box from the recycling collection.
Happy Caturday everyone.

Could it be size? To my eye Betty is a lot bigger than Phyllis and closer in size to the big girls. Well, maybe not Hattie-sized!
Perhaps that too. Phyllis hips are much more narrow than Betty's. I've been trying to get a good photo to compare. Despite that they weigh nearly the same.
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Shad constantly shoots me down on this one [& yes there will always be exceptions] but as a broad generalisation Frizzles have a reputation for being sweet natured. I have seen this with all my frizzles, including Lavender, who was a breed frizzle. They may do darstardly things but they aren't persecuted for it. Look @ Olivia getting up on the top roost in the 1st days of being in the big coop! No~one even pecked her.

Betty is a really confident hen without being brash. I see Phyllis as pretty brash & it has won her no friends in the chicken world @ Fluffy Butts. During the day the foraging drive of the Polish works in Phyllis' favour & Betty hangs with her but chickens are smart. Betty knows the Big Coop is the primary sleeping place & so she heads there & has been smart enough not to tread on any toes. She is one savvy little chicken, that one!

As for looks ~ I actually think she looks more like Sydney than Phyllis, despite the mop & the frizzling, which is odd because it seems Sydney is no fan of Betty. Or has that changed?

I am really interested in what is happening here. It's almost like your girls are starting to mellow out.
Sydney does not like her. She has a personal mission to deny Betty any treats at all. If Betty finds anything while free ranging Sydney immediately forces her off that spot. And this is the same Sydney who gave up her spot in the pecking order to Sansa without a fight.

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