Ribh's D'Coopage

Sydney does not like her. She has a personal mission to deny Betty any treats at all. If Betty finds anything while free ranging Sydney immediately forces her off that spot. And this is the same Sydney who gave up her spot in the pecking order to Sansa without a fight.
I was thinking about this & wondering if it's exactly because Betty looks like Sydney but the frizzle throws her. 🤔 She knows Betty shouldn't look frizzled.🤣
She certainly has! She reached another milestone last night. I had put her down on the lawn so I could tidy up prior to washing down the patio & she took herself to bed with everyone else!!! She hasn't been able to do that in months.
That's wonderful Ribh. One of the best days of my life was when Dandy took Skunk back to the tribe coop after weeks of intensive care.

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