Ribh's D'Coopage

The girls are enjoying the dry while we have it.
That's Sif in front. She's back running with the tribe so despite the occasional wobble I'm declaring her cured.​

And we still have ongoing broodies. Shuri & Tsura are back @ it.
Normally they snuggle together but as no~one actually has eggs to be envious of yet they each have their own space. That will change when someone drops an egg later this morning.🤣

Here they are! They are the only chickens ever I can officially call pets :D :yesss:
They are absolutely gorgeous!!! 🥰 Am I looking @ Mille Fleur D'Uccles? Colour me green. The Mille Fleurs are one D'Uccle I haven't seen many of round here & they are so pretty.

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