Ribh's D'Coopage

I don’t have tea cozys and honestly, reheated tea in the microwave is fine.

Tea tax:
View attachment 3027953
To each their own Lozzy, but I find the idea of tea that has been marinating all day then heated up in the microwave rather....unappetizing. :sick
That's why I have my tiny teapots. I can make a cup or two, which empties the pot, and just add fresh hot water during the day whenever I want another cuppa. But then, I like my tea fairly weak.
Lozzy said:
And just because I’m in a silly mood, here is a photo essay of said procedure:



I loved this but it wouldn't let me quote it. Boo☹️

Hey Lozzy, this is me being helpful rather than insulting (I hope).

I have found that "magic eraser" type sponges are brilliant at getting tea and coffee stains off the inside of our mugs.
They are absolutely gorgeous!!! 🥰 Am I looking @ Mille Fleur D'Uccles? Colour me green. The Mille Fleurs are one D'Uccle I haven't seen many of round here & they are so pretty.
Thank you! I never even saw a d'uccle in person until I got these! (Little d'uccle just crowed! (And again) 😍). And the little hen is an egg-laying machine! Out of almost 3 weeks now, she only didn't lay on 3 days!

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