Ribh's D'Coopage

Good morning Jeannie :frow have a great day

It's funny how herbs and spices effect different people's pallets. I love Cilantro (coriander leaves), but tastes like soap to Sue. She doesn't like the smell or taste, but she tolerates the smell for me. When I make Pico de gallo, I make two batches: 1 with parsley and 1 with cilantro.
I believe that scientists have isolated the gene that determines whether cilantro tastes like soap.
I don’t have the gene and love cilantro!

Edit: I should clarify, it is a human gene not a gene in the cilantro plant.
You're doing my head in, Marie. 😣There's nothing to recommend cloves. I hate even the smell of them, let alone the taste! How very different we all are! 😀
Speaking backwards you did yes? Hmmm. 31183FCB-EB38-4815-A17A-6723AE63C642.gif
Nice one. Is it as sturdy as it looks?
It is when it's on a carpet. I don't know if the feature I'm about to mention is an addition, or done at the time of manufacture. There are rollers balls in sockets let nto the bottom of the legs. I assume this was to allow someone to push the table rather than drag or carry.
These rollers are a bit rusty on this one and don't roll easily.
To clean and lubricate these rollers properly is a bit of a mission. They have to come out. While in situ any lubrication applied is going to mark the carpet. I may do it when I don't have more interesting things to do.
I got the table not just to serve people dinner in a more civilized manner, but to use as a work top. The creative urge has been nagging me. I will look after it as I do with most of my stuff but it's going to get a few knocks etc. So, it's not really a show table. It's going to have to pull it's weight.

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