Ribh's D'Coopage

It was a near thing this evening.
My 3000 word essay disappeared somewhere inside my computer.:th
I don't know where it went.
I don't know how I got it back.
I nearly threw in the towel.
It's due Monday & I couldn't face trying to rewrite it. So far as I know it has now gone where it belongs but golly gosh, I could throttle whoever invented a computer! I am not fit to be spoken to for @ least the next 24 hours! 😖
I have had that terror before with a report for work. :hugs :hugs

Something to remember which I had to be taught. In today's computers it is highly unlikely that anything is ever gone. A good IT person can always get them back. I'm sure the school's IT staff could have recovered it for you.

Aren't you glad you took on University to give you something to do with all your spare time! 😉
Save and backup, save and backup....
This is why I still print a hard copy. Save, print, then do something else. I always have a copy that I can find and recreate if necessary.

Nothing is worse than a massive spreadsheet corrupting because it is too big.
I really should delete and rewrite every time.
Nope. I could never do that. Too much would be lost. I rewrite all the time. I take my hard copy and a red pen.

Yes red.

Wait a day or two.

Then go back over it and rewrite. Often massively. But I need that original thought and I work much better editing on paper than on the computer.
Nope. I could never do that. Too much would be lost. I rewrite all the time. I take my hard copy and a red pen.

Yes red.

Wait a day or two.

Then go back over it and rewrite. Often massively. But I need that original thought and I work much better editing on paper than on the computer.
In theory that is my method too - including the red pen.
In practice however I am so bad with time, that I often just bang stuff out with seconds to spare and certainly no time for any rewrites!
It was a near thing this evening.
My 3000 word essay disappeared somewhere inside my computer.:th
I don't know where it went.
I don't know how I got it back.
I nearly threw in the towel.
It's due Monday & I couldn't face trying to rewrite it. So far as I know it has now gone where it belongs but golly gosh, I could throttle whoever invented a computer! I am not fit to be spoken to for @ least the next 24 hours! 😖
I often feel this way at the end of a work day, I am a controls systems lead technician at a Amazon facility. At the end of most work days I feel more tired than if I had been swinging an axe all day.

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