Ribh's D'Coopage

I find it interesting that so many of those who did a lot of traveling and were of the firm believe that one had to attend in person to do ones job are now doing it without all that travel. My view, the less we travel for work the better. All those air miles and car drives cost an enormous amount when one factors in all the associated costs.
I know a few people who having spent the last couple of years working from home have discovered they don't like the job they do anymore. For some it was the travel and the social contact at their workplace that made the job bearable.
I found it astonishing how we managed to change our work model to be from home and I liked it. But many of our employees are young, first job folk and they are living in small apartments with room mates - and that was tough on them. I had the luxury of always being able to go outside and chat to a chicken.
There is not much difference in weight between Betty and Phyllis, a few ounces is all. Betty is all fluff.

This is why I worry most about Phyllis and Hawks. She would be the most appealing target for them. Phyllis is a little smaller than a leghorn hen. With wings the length of her body she is a good flier. She can take off like a helicopter and hover. If only she could see better. 😆
Is Betty a flier as well Bob?
My girls are acting odd. I'm not sure what's gone on exactly but I heard Luna going berserk yesterday morning so I went out to see what was going on. Luna was standing semi sheltered screaming & everyone else was deep under the Murraya. I had a look round. There was a biggish bird in the trees ~ not, I don't think,~ a hawk but it had obviously shown some interest in the chickens. I had to go out so I wasn't around to see if the bird came back or hung around but when I let the girls out in the morning they usually fan across the lawn racing to see if any treats have mysteriously appeared overnight. Not this morning. The less savvy raced across to the patio in a tight huddle. That included Olivia, Beatha, the Vorwerks & Portia. The rest sheltered in the doorway of the shed obviously reluctant to cross open ground. Ha'penny was making a low, soft growling noise & standing very alert. The Japs wouldn't leave the shed & there was a bunch of chickens around my feet. Eventually I moved into the open & scanned the skies. The girls bunched up & raced across the lawn to the patio to join the rest & they then moved as a big huddle to the edge of the patio to hop down & under the awning @ the side of the house. They then moved to the strip of garden using it as shelter to make a quick dash for the Murraya. This early they are usually spread out foraging. Not this morning. I'll have to keep an eye out for what's spooked them.
It's good they are not oblivious to whatever the threat is/was.
it's amazing I don't have an unhealthier habit.
That's my excuse to my daughter.:lol:
Farm creatures, more so than outright pets, require a very keen awareness of the passing of events rather than the measuring of such events; time.
My daughters have a good grasp of this from visiting me in Catalonia. Certain things needed doing at a particular point in the day and each day, that point changes. Midwinter, I might be fine for supper a 6pm. Now I can't do between 6pm and 9pm. A few weeks on it's going to be later.
It's very awkward for other people. To invite people for dinner now, I have to take an evening off or go what is too early and shut them in for the rest of the daylight.
Most people who know me are very understanding of my inconvenient habit.
That's my excuse to my daughter.:lol:
Farm creatures, more so than outright pets, require a very keen awareness of the passing of events rather than the measuring of such events; time.
My daughters have a good grasp of this from visiting me in Catalonia. Certain things needed doing at a particular point in the day and each day, that point changes. Midwinter, I might be fine for supper a 6pm. Now I can't do between 6pm and 9pm. A few weeks on it's going to be later.
It's very awkward for other people. To invite people for dinner now, I have to take an evening off or go what is too early and shut them in for the rest of the daylight.
Most people who know me are very understanding of my inconvenient habit.
I've switched to lunches for most of my catch ups :)

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