Ribh's D'Coopage

No chookies this morning. It's as dark as hades out there & the rain is dropping from the sky in bucketloads. The cats are disgusted & I can hear the girls complaining round the side of the house. The cats have taken to sleeping on my next 2 projects now the weather is cooling off.
Question???: Has anyone seen @Aussie-Chookmum recently?


No chookies this morning. It's as dark as hades out there & the rain is dropping from the sky in bucketloads. The cats are disgusted & I can hear the girls complaining round the side of the house. The cats have taken to sleeping on my next 2 projects now the weather is cooling off.
Question???: Has anyone seen @Aussie-Chookmum recently?

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Gorgeous! :love

No, she doesn’t appear to have been around lately. I hope she’s ok.
They seem to be doing well and also seem to have worked out they don’t have to wait for me to let them out! Nyssa did have them squished up against the wall this evening, but I moved them across to the towel and demoted Nyssa to the lower roost. Tegan was on the floor again but I have set up an elaborate second duck walk which she ignored until I put her on it. She then walked up and settled on the lower roost as well.

I also got two used tyres yesterday and repurposed them as dirt baths. Nice sandy soil, but no-one’s used it yet. They might when they’re shut up in the run for the day.

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I should have commented on this before but panic makes me a little self absorbed. 🙄 That looks like a lovely set up but don't your girls roost on the clean towels? I am so looking forward to being somewhere I can have a proper coop again. I have one picked out & money set aside for it but first I need somewhere permanent to live...
Well, my 1st lot of Writing results are back. Seeing that's my major I rather need to pass these courses. Apparently I can write a coherent & grammatically correct sentence. I would certainly hope so by this stage in life!!! 🤣 I completely blew the citations ~ & am still not sure what I need to do. It was very different when I did my 1st degree. I need to clarify that. At least I citated the work. 🙄 Apparently I need to develop my ideas a little more but as I have not enjoyed this subject, AT ALL, I'm afraid boredom got the better of me. However a pass is a pass & not to be sneezed @ ~ & not a bad pass @ that, but it & the Archaeology passes have given me the confidence boost I needed. Now it is just a matter of settling in & doing the hard yards. Thank goodness for chickens & cats who don't care a fig about any of it!

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