Ribh's D'Coopage

I should have commented on this before but panic makes me a little self absorbed. 🙄 That looks like a lovely set up but don't your girls roost on the clean towels? I am so looking forward to being somewhere I can have a proper coop again. I have one picked out & money set aside for it but first I need somewhere permanent to live...
What have you picked Ribh?
What have you picked Ribh?
You will need to keep your eye rolls to yourself, Shad. 🙄
https://www.mychickencoop.com.au/grand-barn-walk-in-chicken-coop. It says up to 20 chickens so I figure the dozen I'm allowed ~ especially if I keep to bantams & small standards, will be ok. There's no run but there's all sorts of ways to make a run or free range. It looks like it would be easy to clean ~ plastic coops just don't seem to be a thing out here~ & I like I can stand upright in it & reach the roosts. Ventilation seems to be ok too. So far it's the one I've liked best as I can't build my own & probably can't afford to pay someone to do it. If you see anything really bad about it say as I will only get one shot at this.
Does your uni library site have an MLA referencing guide that you can download? I used AGLC for the law degree and Harvard for the music degree. When I was submitting assignments I had my reference guide open and looked for the example I needed, which was handy when referencing online stuff.
It's embarrassing to admit but I did that ~ & then went to studiosity for extra help & still blew it. I think it's the in text stuff I didn't do right but as is the way with these things I get another go next time. 🤣
I am doing a summary of Bob's thread for him to cover the last two weeks - he has been completely off line for two weeks and asked for a summary.
I can link you to that if you would like.
Yes please. I've only just twigged he's in Italy for his daughter's wedding. He didn't say & I missed it on his thread.
You will need to keep your eye rolls to yourself, Shad. 🙄
https://www.mychickencoop.com.au/grand-barn-walk-in-chicken-coop. It says up to 20 chickens so I figure the dozen I'm allowed ~ especially if I keep to bantams & small standards, will be ok. There's no run but there's all sorts of ways to make a run or free range. It looks like it would be easy to clean ~ plastic coops just don't seem to be a thing out here~ & I like I can stand upright in it & reach the roosts. Ventilation seems to be ok too. So far it's the one I've liked best as I can't build my own & probably can't afford to pay someone to do it. If you see anything really bad about it say as I will only get one shot at this.
I can't see anything terrible there.
It's not exactly cheap though.
This one from the same site looks remarkably like the coop at the allotments.
Despite the state it's in it has lasted ten years without much maintainance.

I'm a little confused by the coop @Ribh. The holes lead not into nest boxes but the roosts? I base that thought on the pull out trays on that side. Plus there are open nest boxes on the opposite side. I don't think I've ever seen a coop with a separate bedroom. I would have guessed the nest boxes would go behind the holes.
I think that is right - the middle tall bit is really just the people passage way - though I am sure some roosts could be retro-fit in that area if desired (though would need to think about clean up).
Personally I am suspicious about these pull out trays - they look like a genius idea but I always worry that reality will be messier!
I think that is right - the middle tall bit is really just the people passage way - though I am sure some roosts could be retro-fit in that area if desired (though would need to think about clean up).
Personally I am suspicious about these pull out trays - they look like a genius idea but I always worry that reality will be messier!
Our first little coop had/has a pull out tray. If the material in the tray is no taller than the slot its great, but that is rarely the case. So if you pull out the tray you just scrape everything off as you go.

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