Ribh's D'Coopage

It's been a rough few weeks. Most of my tinnies plus Shuri have been broody for weeks. It has caused a bit of squabbling as all the nesting boxes were occupied. I was pleased when Shuri, then Desdemona, quit & rejoined everyone else. Then in quick succession I lost both Shuri & Desi. I was devastated on top of losing Olivia. There was no indication anything was wrong until they upped & died on me. I have been seriously reconsidering keeping chickens & will not be replacing any time soon. I will relook @ the situation when/if I am able to move.
Oh Ribh.
:hugs :hugs
It's been a rough few weeks. Most of my tinnies plus Shuri have been broody for weeks. It has caused a bit of squabbling as all the nesting boxes were occupied. I was pleased when Shuri, then Desdemona, quit & rejoined everyone else. Then in quick succession I lost both Shuri & Desi. I was devastated on top of losing Olivia. There was no indication anything was wrong until they upped & died on me. I have been seriously reconsidering keeping chickens & will not be replacing any time soon. I will relook @ the situation when/if I am able to move.
So very sorry.
It's been a rough few weeks. Most of my tinnies plus Shuri have been broody for weeks. It has caused a bit of squabbling as all the nesting boxes were occupied. I was pleased when Shuri, then Desdemona, quit & rejoined everyone else. Then in quick succession I lost both Shuri & Desi. I was devastated on top of losing Olivia. There was no indication anything was wrong until they upped & died on me. I have been seriously reconsidering keeping chickens & will not be replacing any time soon. I will relook @ the situation when/if I am able to move.
That's awful Ribh, I'm so sorry. :hit:hugs
Good evening folks :frow

It's been a rough few weeks. Most of my tinnies plus Shuri have been broody for weeks. It has caused a bit of squabbling as all the nesting boxes were occupied. I was pleased when Shuri, then Desdemona, quit & rejoined everyone else. Then in quick succession I lost both Shuri & Desi. I was devastated on top of losing Olivia. There was no indication anything was wrong until they upped & died on me. I have been seriously reconsidering keeping chickens & will not be replacing any time soon. I will relook @ the situation when/if I am able to move.
I'm so sorry Jeannie :hugs:hugs
It's been a rough few weeks. Most of my tinnies plus Shuri have been broody for weeks. It has caused a bit of squabbling as all the nesting boxes were occupied. I was pleased when Shuri, then Desdemona, quit & rejoined everyone else. Then in quick succession I lost both Shuri & Desi. I was devastated on top of losing Olivia. There was no indication anything was wrong until they upped & died on me. I have been seriously reconsidering keeping chickens & will not be replacing any time soon. I will relook @ the situation when/if I am able to move.
I am so very very sorry. You must be devastated. I totally understand why you were gone. :hugs :hugs
:hugs it's awful to lose several close together, especially when you don't know what caused it so can't fix it. But you can know you gave them a wonderful life, and that they brightened yours before they passed.
Thanks, Perris. Olivia & Desdemona both had big personalities & were super friendly so have left a big hole. So far as I can tell everyone else is healthy though all my bantams bar one are now broody. 🙄 I was going to put eggs under the Wyandotte but have ditched that idea for the time being.
The tribe is sadly depleted...

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