Ribh's D'Coopage

Thank you! I try to take photos of the ladies every now and then, as I really enjoy looking back at them. My phone has many many chicken photos, a few photos of our two dogs and very few photos of humans! :oops:
Mine is the same! Very few of humans. Some of flowers. Some of the cat. Some of information I want to recall later, like a business name and phone number painted onto a van, Mostly the hens.
I posted this on my thread but I wanted @Shadrach to see it.

Chicken Carousels

We took Eve to an amusement park Saturday night and they have a Carousel museum there. I found this fellow in the museum.

It's been a rough few weeks. Most of my tinnies plus Shuri have been broody for weeks. It has caused a bit of squabbling as all the nesting boxes were occupied. I was pleased when Shuri, then Desdemona, quit & rejoined everyone else. Then in quick succession I lost both Shuri & Desi. I was devastated on top of losing Olivia. There was no indication anything was wrong until they upped & died on me. I have been seriously reconsidering keeping chickens & will not be replacing any time soon. I will relook @ the situation when/if I am able to move.
I am so sorry you are having these devastating loses. It is not only heartbreaking, but frustrating when we lose chickens this way, and so close together.
Birds are certainly a fragile pet.
:hugs :hugs:hugs

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