Ribh's D'Coopage

I hope you are all having a nice Caturday.

Having cats that have transitioned from barn cats to house tyrants has it's advantages : no need for litter, cheap to feed as they are great foragers. It also has major drawbacks, like the fact that they still spend hours sleeping on the manure pile before coming in to sleep on the armchair or the guestroom's bed.

Ha'penny is feral~ lovely but feral.
She has taught everyone bar the little bantams to hop the short fences, including Luna & Beatha.

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She lays her eggs in weird places...

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or drops them on the neighbour's lawn! 🙄
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This week she surpassed herself & was found wandering along the footpath having hopped 2 fences to get there ~ & she did not want to head home.
She robs the neighbours chicken of her treats & flares her hackles if neighbour chook dare suggest this is her yard & her treats. Luckily both sets of neighbours think she's sweet. 🤣
I love Ha’Penny’s free style!
Late for OZ Caturday but still proper in the USA
Do you like our new house cat? ;)

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This was taken by my neighbor across the street with the game camera. Note the time of day. Sorta scary glad my chickens are behind a fence with hot wire on top!
“Here, Kitty Kitty Kitty…”

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