Ribh's D'Coopage

Every day is Caturday! :love
In that case, happy Caturday.

She is fine. The dog is a little rattled. She was jumping up aiming for his eyes. She took on the schnauzer, the larger of the 2 dogs, & went totally ballistic. I don't know what it is with my hens. 🫣 I've worked with the dogs to leave the hens alone & apart from some curious sniffing, they do. The hens are having non of it!
Sounds like the dogs will have to learn the hard way.

Éowyn still hasn't learned. She snuck up the other day and smelled Aurora’s tail. Aurora jumped up and flew off but Glynda wasn't having it. She went into attack mode and Éowyn got run off across the yard.
Awww Lozzy. I am sorry you lost her. She was such an elegant little lady. I am sure you must miss her snuggles.
:hugs :hugs:love
I sure do. 😢 She only purred for me (in her later years). I remember hubby and I were having a lie-in with the cats many years ago. Mishka was on hubby’s chest and she was purring. He was dozing and dreamed that he was in an earthquake! :lau

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