Ribh's D'Coopage

10.30am to 7.30pm today with an hour and a half off for lunch. Rain on and off throughout the day. Everybody seemed more relaxed today. Them because they're getting used to the chicks being about; me because I decided to forgo the tent and concentrate on getting better quaility weed.:p

There has been a job needing doing since the new coop got put in place. I've dug all around it but underneath I had planned to do when the coop got moved.
The chickens go under the coop when it rains and apart from the rocks protruding the area had become a bit of a mess.
There were a number of large rocks, a foot times six inch sort of large under there, plus a lot of smaller but equally uncomfortable pieces of rubble. I took the back of the coop stand off and with the aid of a mini pick axe dug out the rocks, broke the ground up and added a wheelbarrow full of compost.
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Henry christened the job.

I dismantled the nest box Fret sat and hatched in and gave it a proper clean with disinfectant and filled the base with new shredded paper and after cleaning the coop floor added a nice confy pile of shredded paper in the corner Fret chose to sleep in last night.
Fret showed her appreciation by going to roost in the other corner.:barnie
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Although it isn't clear, this chick is having a dust bath. It didn't make much dust but it had a good try.
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Eating is becoming more sociable. The chicks think dads cool but dad has to be very carefull where he treads. I like this picture. It shows the size difference between Henry and the chick well. The chick can walk underneath Henry's spurs.
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Auntie Carbon is allowed to be close to the chicks now.
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Fret took the chicks onto the allotments for a while.
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Carbon after raspberries.
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Henry sunbathing while Carbon laid an egg.
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This evening Fret put some work into showing the chicks how to climb the ramp.
She's got most of the idea but instead of waiting at the pop door and calling she comes back down the ramp too quickly and the chicks don't get they have to go to her. I put the chicks at the top of the ramp this evening and they made it through the pop door under their own steam.
Henry and Carbon waiting out of the way while Fret tries to get the chicks onto the ramp.
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Fret and chicks outside the coop run. This is one of their favourite spots.
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Hey mate, just mentioning you put your update on Ribh's thread.

It's a great update though!
Hey mate, just mentioning you put your update on Ribh's thread.

It's a great update though!
On the corner of our primary road a pair of wood ducks made the grass verge their primary feeding ground. While skittish if anyone got too close, they were fairly relaxed about all the passerbys. After a while I noticed the male [darker head] was limping but he seemed to be managing ok & was very protective of his female.

Then one Sunday morning, on my way to church, I saw someone had run over the little male. I was devastated ~ as were other locals. We had all become rather fond of the little pair & we all took pains to slow down @ the corner where we knew they grazed. I was sad for the female, who had lost her mate, & was grieving but reproduction is the driving force in nature & fairly soon the female was back with a new male in tow.

I was thrilled to see they now have one little chick that they are super protective of. Given wood ducks often hatch a couple of dozen eggs I was surprised to see only one chick but I am very happy for the female.


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