Ribh's D'Coopage

I found this beauty atop a water tank this morning. Not, I don't think, a carpet snake. I saw plenty of shed carpet skins on the island. It's not as round as I would expect for its length. It looks like it might have been black - @ least on top so I suspect a red belly black. It looks to be @ least a couple of feet long, which rules out a small eyed snake. Now I have to worry about the dogs as well as red bellies are one of our
venomous snakes.

@ManueB ,@MaryJanet, @RoyalChick, @BY Bob, @Grammy60, @LozzyR ,@Shadrach @BDutch

Thank you one & all for your kind thoughts & well wishes. I hadn't wanted to post as it is such a downer but your kindness is appreciated.

And yes, Shad, the chickens & I will be much happier in our own place.
You know that we all care for you no matter happens. You and all your animal friends are dear to us. I'm glad you chose to share the burden with us all. Know that we are always here for you. :hugs :hugs
I found this beauty atop a water tank this morning. Not, I don't think, a carpet snake. I saw plenty of shed carpet skins on the island. It's not as round as I would expect for its length. It looks like it might have been black - @ least on top so I suspect a red belly black. It looks to be @ least a couple of feet long, which rules out a small eyed snake. Now I have to worry about the dogs as well as red bellies are one of our
venomous snakes.

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This is very concerning. Be careful.
@ManueB ,@MaryJanet, @RoyalChick, @BY Bob, @Grammy60, @LozzyR ,@Shadrach @BDutch

Thank you one & all for your kind thoughts & well wishes. I hadn't wanted to post as it is such a downer but your kindness is appreciated.

And yes, Shad, the chickens & I will be much happier in our own place.
I will be delighted to read you've found your own place where you and the chickens can have some space and security. I know what's it's like to find oneself homeless and largely dependant on friends and relatives.

Given we don't agree on much on any topic, I guess I must like you even though we've never met. That's a terrible admission from grumpy Shadrach who can't stand people in general.:oops::plbb
I will be delighted to read you've found your own place where you and the chickens can have some space and security. I know what's it's like to find oneself homeless and largely dependant on friends and relatives.

Given we don't agree on much on any topic, I guess I must like you even though we've never met. That's a terrible admission from grumpy Shadrach who can't stand people in general.:oops::plbb
You are very funny. We have always got along even though we don't agree on much so I guess I must like you too~ from an old introvert who doesn't talk to most people. 🤣
This is Tootsie.
She is a problem chicken.

Granted I have inadvertently contributed to the problem but a problem it is.
Tootsie is a D'Uccle, specifically a Mille Fleur D'Uccle. Duccles are notorious for being people chickens. People rave about Silkies but for my money a D'Uccle will beat them hands down every time for being docile, handleable, friendly & affectionate. Olivia was a D'Uccle & is the main reason I wanted another. For such little chickens they come with loads of a funny, quirky personality, are always delighted to see you & not shy about letting you know that.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Tootsie has spent a lot of time in the house, a lot of time alone & a lot of time with me. If it were my house I would simply give her the run of it, but it's not so I began by bringing Chavi in @ night so she had chicken company. Lucky Chavi. Probably the only reason she is still alive. Now all the birds are sharing her cage @ night. No squabbling. No fighting. They all know who Tootsie is. The only trouble comes from China, who is a girl with ambitions & has systematically been taking on every chicken in the tribe, only to be soundly trounced every time. Even little Chavi can beat her up.

And because every one is together I have been letting everyone out together in the morning. I figured it was the only integration going @ present. It always starts well. Everyone hangs on the lawn & Chavi hangs with Tootsie. Together they potter about the patio, have brekkie & a drink but eventually the tribe moves into the orchard & under the shelter of the trees. Chavi goes with them. Tootsie does not. Chavi periodically checks in with Tootsie but Tootsie is not budging from the patio. She sits on the doormat & stares forlornly through the glass door.

When she spots me she is immediately on her feet & starts pacing, squawking in her loud, ugly little voice to be let in & allowed to ride my shoulder while I do whatever.
Yesterday I gave in. She rode on my shoulder down to the mailbox, much to my neighbours amusement, & when they came over to chat she introduced herself then promptly fell asleep in my arms.

She is utterly adorable & a complete joy but she does need to go chicken with everyone else. She is still outside this morning camped on the doormat but I'm not sure how long I can harden my heart before I give in, bring her inside & give her cuddles. 🫤
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