Ribh's D'Coopage

Or why I didn't post on Oz Caturday.
I am having a run of it @ present. 🙄

After throwing up for a week Marlow then decided throwing up blood was a good option to worry his mamma excessively.

Marlow, who has a range of neurotic behaviours, has always been a sick~it~up sort of cat. It's nothing for him to produce multiple hairballs, a complete dinner or anything inbetween. There's nothing wrong with him. He just likes to regurgitate.

It's been terribly hot so I put his recent spat of bring~it~back~up down to heat stress ~ & in all honesty, that's probably what it was. However he was doing it so frequently blood began to appear & then he went off his tucker. Marlow loves his food so it was time for a vet visit.

Kirby I can put in a carrier & he will ride silently, if anxiously, to the vet. Marlow makes his displeasure known for the entire trip. I dread moving him to a new location!🫤

Three shots & an emergency appointment later the vet declared there was nothing wrong with the lad. Something to stop him feeling sick, something to stop him throwing up & something to help him rehydrate. Forty~eight hours later his tail is high & jaunty again, his purr a rumble of pleasure, & he's hassling me for his food.

So imagine my dismay when I heard the unmistakeable sound of a cat retching this morning! No, not Marlow. Apparently Kirby disliked his breakfast!🤣
Even big cats like to play. Watch as Éowyn rolls down the hill playing with her catnip banana.

I was working out front of the house and just like a dog she will hang around where I'm working. I found the banana in Mrs BY Bob's car. We had used it to transport a cat. I tossed it to Éowyn and fun ensued.

Just adorable!

Jasper's also a complete crack-head when it comes to dried catnip. Won't touch the fresh stuff though.
Even big cats like to play. Watch as Éowyn rolls down the hill playing with her catnip banana.

I was working out front of the house and just like a dog she will hang around where I'm working. I found the banana in Mrs BY Bob's car. We had used it to transport a cat. I tossed it to Éowyn and fun ensued.

Or why I didn't post on Oz Caturday.
I am having a run of it @ present. 🙄

After throwing up for a week Marlow then decided throwing up blood was a good option to worry his mamma excessively.

Marlow, who has a range of neurotic behaviours, has always been a sick~it~up sort of cat. It's nothing for him to produce multiple hairballs, a complete dinner or anything inbetween. There's nothing wrong with him. He just likes to regurgitate.

It's been terribly hot so I put his recent spat of bring~it~back~up down to heat stress ~ & in all honesty, that's probably what it was. However he was doing it so frequently blood began to appear & then he went off his tucker. Marlow loves his food so it was time for a vet visit.

Kirby I can put in a carrier & he will ride silently, if anxiously, to the vet. Marlow makes his displeasure known for the entire trip. I dread moving him to a new location!🫤

Three shots & an emergency appointment later the vet declared there was nothing wrong with the lad. Something to stop him feeling sick, something to stop him throwing up & something to help him rehydrate. Forty~eight hours later his tail is high & jaunty again, his purr a rumble of pleasure, & he's hassling me for his food.

So imagine my dismay when I heard the unmistakeable sound of a cat retching this morning! No, not Marlow. Apparently Kirby disliked his breakfast!🤣
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Oh Ribh, you have been having a tough time! I'm glad Marlow is feeling better, I hope he stays that way. :hugs

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