Riddle: What is black and gold with a single comb and blue legs?


11 Years
Aug 26, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
This is the only one I can't figure out from the TSC bantam bin.

Straight comb, pink legs with dark streaks, gold around the eyes and a bit of grayish white on the chest. Flighty tempered. At 9 days the wing feathers are black with streaks of gold, not laced.

Picture is from 2 days old.


(Edited to add:)
At 15 days old this chick now has slate blue legs and a single comb. She (I hope!) is mostly black with a bit of gold on the wings and a few random gold feathers coming in among most black on her shoulders.
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I have two golden sebrights that look different, they have flat spots where their combs are. I haven't looked at wyandottes, I'll check Feathersite...
That looks a lot like my mystery TSC bantam chick. I thought maybe mine was a black rosecomb, but mine is only a few days old, and I didn't notice any gold (yet anyway.)

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