
6 Years
May 15, 2015
The time has come... I have happened to notice an egg laid in the nest box about a week after the female dove was frequenting in and out of the nest, especially during the morning hours. Before laying, I added some dry grass and weeds and layered them in the nest to use as bedding to cushion the egg so it doesn't rest on a hard surface.

Here's a photo before the egg was laid:
Barbary Dove Nest.JPG

...during when one of the females sat on the nest:
Barbary Dove Sitting on Nest.JPG

...and after the first egg was laid:
Barbary Dove Egg.PNG

Best wishes to you all! I'm so "eggcited" for the second egg to be laid, then the female begins incubating the eggs for about 2 weeks until they hatch!!!
Thank you all so much for your affinity! I'll keep you folks updated as much as possible.

I wish good luck!
At the time this reply was submitted, the male is sitting on that one egg; no secondary egg has been laid yet, and the first egg was laid yesterday. This is their first time breeding as well. When will the 2nd egg be laid after the 1st?
It's morning at the time this reply was posted, and I still only have 1 egg, yet the female and male are already taking turns incubating the egg as if the second had been laid, even though it's not. Is this normal for doves to lay a single egg and start nurturing it?

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