RIP to my Entire Flock.

So very sorry.
So sorry for you. Don't give up. Work on your pen adn when you feel it is secure try again. I feel your pain...year before last we lost over 30 birds throughout the summer to various predators....took a break for a year and built all we are trying again this year. It is hard especially when you have had them from chicks
I think you will miss having the chickens terribly if you don't try again after a little while!!! HAng in there !!!
Sorry for your loss! I was in your shoes back in the summer of 2010. I lost all 4 of my girls to a raccoon. It will sting for a little while but hopefully before too long, you'll have the opertunity to get some new chickies!
Thank you all for your well-wishes. :) It really means a lot. I was at my next door neighbor's house today checking everywhere on her coop to make sure there's no where a pest could get in. I'm certainly not keeping this dumpy coop we have now, it's really not in good shape anyway.

Now that I'm re-starting on chickens I'm really going to attempt to pre-plan on exactly what I'm going to want instead of constantly adding on. As I said... Attempt!

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