Roo with a runny nose


9 Years
May 3, 2014
My roo
seems to have a runny nose, when I picked him up there almost sounded like a bit of congestion but that didn't last. It's pretty hot and humid here, and it's been raining for a week or two. Along with the roo I have five chicks (about 10 weeks) he is in a seperate coop but I started to let them meet a little this week. Not sure if I should be worried. He seems to be eating,(and drinking) but a little skinnier than I like.
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If he has anything is there something I can give him?
I'm not sure exactly what he has, so I don't know what to tell you. If it's something bacterial, antibiotics are going to work, but I have no experience with that. Contact your veterinarian and see what they have to say, or if they can't tell you, ask if they know who to contact. That's what I suggest.


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