roo's comb and wattle got black on it??


6 Years
Dec 6, 2013
Australia, NSW
every now and then one or two of my roosters (two atm) get little black bits on their comb and wattle. after a couple of weeks I goes away, and they are all got, until it comes back again. I'm pretty sure it's nothing bad cos they are all healthy and im thinking it might be just from them fighting, but just want to see what you guys think of it. here a pic:
this roo is particularly bad, he's the worst its ever gotten.
it looks like there is dried blood in his feathers?? ..if that's the case it could be that the black spots are scabs. the cause could be fighting...especially if you see fighting and notice the birds bleeding or your conditions are overly crowded. Other causes can be viral infections that can cause small lesions that will eventually turn dark (fowl pox)
This does have the appearance atfirst of fowl pox, but I would have to agree that it looks like peck marks. It appears that you may need to separate your roosters.
thanks everyone for the replies, it probably is from them fighting, but this roo is the highest up roo in the pecking order and he's the one who pecks at my other roo's not the other way round. but I'm thinking I will set up another pen for my roo's because they are causing a lot of trouble. can you pen up more then one rooster at a time or will they still fight?

so on the other hand, whats fowl pox? and can you cure it?

thanks again for your help

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