
In the Brooder
Mar 13, 2022
In another post, I told how I thought my rooster toe had frostbite... maybe. (First pics) The toe tip was black underneath and the toe was swollen. I was content to let it do as it would and hopefully fall off.
It's been in the 40's to low 50's past few days, and I get home from work to find Big Caramels toe bleeding, and the other chickens with red on their beaks. I rush him inside and spray it with Vetericyn, but that made it bleed more. I covered it in corn starch and sat with him about 5 min. That made it quit bleeding. I clean his foot in warm water and dab it dry with a towel. It almost looks like his skin, right where it meets the "frostbit" part, couldn't stretch anymore and broke open, making it bleed. I spray it again with Vetericyn. Then I put some triple antibiotic ointment (without pain relief) on it. Thankfully I had bought some vet wraps off Amazon a few weeks ago, just incase I ever needed them. I took some thin gauze wrap and wrapped it around his toe. Then I took some vet wrap and wrapped his toe and up his leg a tiny bit to help keep it on. I tried to wrap it loosely, but so it still held in place. I'm going to check it every day, or every other day. I put him in the infirmary until his toe situation resolves).
Does frostbite bleed like this? Is there anything I should be doing differently? I pour over this website, looking at related threads, wherever I need some advice, but I just don't know about my roo's toe. (How ironic that I have 2 vet tech sister's, and they both work at places that only see cats and dogs.)


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